jeudi 28 juillet 2011

Middle-aged black ladies

I love them soooo much.

Whether they call me “honey,” “baby,” “handsome,” or “sugar,” they make me feel like the most desirable male on the planet. Every night I’ve been making 30-second conversations with one cafeteria server, Flora. However, between the good weather and random local block parties, I’m soon going to run out of topics to bring up.

What else can I talk to her about - just short of asking her out this weekend?

Actually, what a great idea.

vendredi 22 juillet 2011

So blessed like wow!!

No drastic events transpiring to come to this conclusion, per se. God's just been allowing my heart to explode with joy more frequently. Victory is at hand in the nonphysical realms!

Life in New York is very tiring and it's been hard to motivate myself to read scripture when it seems like the city has enough things to superficially fill the holes in my heart. Stumbling into recurring emptiness, however, tells me that's not the way to go.
God works tho! He listens to prayers. He strengthens me. He keeps his promises.
I am useless. But Jesus made himself a curse for me. Why??? Because God was pleased to deliver me to himself. Dang, so happy!!!

jeudi 21 juillet 2011

Christians have funny conversations sometimes

dustin and i be spreadin' your notoriety in nyc
more girls here
Pastor Dan:
what have you been saying?
"we have this cool pastor in philly"
"he's good with kids. he's currently saving people in guatemala"
that's like +100 brownie points
Pastor Dan:
show them pics i just posted
on google plus
you want to be stumbled?
i read that as HUMBLED
it registered weirdly
i'm very committed to my God and my bf

dimanche 17 juillet 2011

Social constructs

Dude, when there's music playing in public, I don't understand what's with people stepping out-of-beat when they're walking past. Really? Nothing in you demands to step in-time with the percussion? Are you deaf???

vendredi 15 juillet 2011

The difference between Joel Osteen and Jesus

Healing seldom comes out of a change in situation, but rather through a situation.

mercredi 13 juillet 2011

"F is for friends who do stuff together"

I can be a better friend. Things to think about:
  • “I’m an empty vessel ready for you to pour your love and affirmation and curiosity into me.”Ask questions about other people.
  • "My opinion holds more weight than your opinion. And I'll share all my opinions." Silence beats belittling my neighbor. Less criticism, more empathy.
  • "It's not worth the effort to invest in people that won't invest back." Do not withhold blessing from someone when given the opportunity to bless them.
  • "Being loud, stupid, and politically incorrect is funny." Not following cultural norms of politeness is sin. Oh snap.

mardi 12 juillet 2011


Hey, to the mom that scolded her son for asking too many questions after church:

Please answer the questions and love your child the way Jesus loves you.

We don't need another kid growing up into a Rob Bell.

vendredi 8 juillet 2011

Gospel in the OT

Scripture taken simply as an instruction manual would probably be one of the most discouraging self-help books this side of the resurrection. All of scripture will point you to Christ and his love for you :)

From an interview with Dane Ortland:

Where is the gospel in Proverbs (or James)?

There is no magic formula to ‘find’ the gospel in Proverbs. Rather, if we read Proverbs as wise words from a father who loves his children too much to let them ruin their lives through ignorant folly, we will receive it as God means us to, and be strengthened in a way that is grace-flavored.

And remember, from a macro-perspective, Jesus is the ultimate wise man. Paul said that Jesus "became for us wisdom" (1 Cor. 1:30). Jesus is the wise man, and we fools, united to him by faith, share in that wisdom.

Where is the gospel in Leviticus?

All over the place. Leviticus is an elaborate accounting of the sacrificial system that God mercifully instituted for Israel, to atone for their sins. It is virtually impossible to plunk down into a random place in Leviticus and not see God’s gracious provision of a way out for filthy people.

And Jesus himself brought that entire sacrificial system to fulfillment. The New Testament tells us Jesus was not only the priest who offered the sacrifice, he was also the sacrifice itself, the lamb—and he was even the temple in which the priest offered the sacrifice. As we read Leviticus as Christians, then, we can be ever mindful of what all those bloody sacrifices were anticipating.

Where is the gospel in Ecclesiastes?

Ecclesiastes insists that the good things of life—food, work, sex, wealth, honor—cannot serve as the ultimate things in life, and that if we make this mistake (as Solomon did) we will come to the end of life exhausted, frustrated, and disillusioned. Only God satisfies.

Jesus really had it all, even more than Solomon. He had unbounded wealth and honor in heaven. He had everything Solomon chased after. To an infinite degree. And he emptied himself and gave it all up and came to earth and suffered and died. Why? So that you and I, wayward sinners, can have real wealth, real riches, real honor, in the new earth, forever.

The answer really is, as we say in BYG, God'sRedemptivePlan.

jeudi 7 juillet 2011

To my accountability partners:

Evan Chen, you write mad long texts deeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmm!!!!!!

Dustin Shung, watch this video.

:) <3

samedi 2 juillet 2011

Witty NYC public transportation advertisements

NYC traffic is not a nightmare. Nightmares are shorter.

Broadway is not all that broad.

vendredi 1 juillet 2011

Gospel = past, present, and future amazingness

Malachi 1:1-5

The oracle of the word of the Lord to Israel by Malachi.

“I have loved you,” says the Lord. But you say, “How have you loved us?” “Is not Esau Jacob's brother?” declares the Lord. “Yet I have loved Jacob but Esau I have hated. I have laid waste his hill country and left his heritage to jackals of the desert.” If Edom says, “We are shattered but we will rebuild the ruins,” the Lordof hosts says, “They may build, but I will tear down, and they will be called ‘the wicked country,’ and ‘the people with whom the Lord is angry forever.’” Your own eyes shall see this, and you shall say, “Great is the Lord beyond the border of Israel!”

1 Corinthians 15:1-2

Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you—unless you believed in vain.

God will probably admit with us that things aren't perfect now. At the present we struggle to be spiritually pure and we suffer much in light of the sin within us and around us. But that struggle is indicative of something greater at work: daily resurrection power.

The gospel gives historical assurance of God's love on the cross -> breathtaking anticipation of eternal basking in his love.

It be crazy encouragement mang.