jeudi 4 juin 2020

People are surprising

Some people are really blowing me away with their patience, nuance, and grace while communicating online. Yes, there are the expected comment section dumpster fires (typically with the brave white Christian who shares to their relatively conservative network). But I'm particularly proud of the Asian Christian brothers and sisters I see taking time and thoughtfulness to engage. 

Here are some examples: 


In the vernacular and physical sense, I do not have the time to engage. A part of me wants church leaders to equip people with tools on how to engage online ("how not to take the bait when goaded", "lean towards private conversation", "know when to engage", "know when not to minimize someone's pain, even if misguided"). The internet is a bigger part of people's lives now than "real-life." 

Also, this has been a very clarifying time, a rejuvenating time (but physically exhausting as my sleep is getting messed up). I feel like a Christian again. I'm applying my Christian thinking much more actively in areas of compassion, wisdom, grace, humility, and justice.