jeudi 27 octobre 2011

How do you *really* ask for filling of the Spirit? Read the Bible.

Found a better response to when people ask why they should read their Bibles. Credit to P.Chaz and Redeemer Presbyterian for the cool Bible study question:

Many people think that all the church needs is more of the Spirit, but the Bible never pits learning against power, truth against the Spirit.

(Acts 1:3-8) Why do you think Jesus prepares the apostles’ minds before he sends them power? What is the relationship between knowing truth and experiencing the Spirit?
  • (Ephesians 1:17-19, 3:16-18) Increasing wisdom and revelation to grasp God’s excellencies empowers the spirit. Think of the Spirit as “fire” and the truth of God’s word as “firewood.”
  • (John 4:24, 16:13-14) The nature of the Spirit is one of truth, not necessarily subjective emotion or experience. Above all, the Spirit’s main objective is to glorify Christ.
  • (Romans 1:16) The gospel is the power of God. The Spirit’s power does not work apart from the truth.
  • (Luke 24:44-49) Correct interpretation of the Bible is important to Jesus, where he opens the minds of the disciples in order to be effective witnesses. Expository preaching!! Christ and his gospel must be preached so that divine love can truly transform people.
This series is gonna be awesome.

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