mercredi 9 novembre 2011

What church should I attend?

From Pastor John of Good News Church I attended this summer:

1) Don't base your choice on comfort. Ever thought that, perhaps, as a sinner what you consider comfortable God may consider uncomfortable?

2) Risk-benefit analysis is ill-advised. A good church will always cost you by asking you to give yourself in committed service. In that way, it is blessing you (ref. Beatitudes).

3) Christ-centered. A good gauge whether the church is not grieving the Holy Spirit is if Christ is the chief priority (John 16:14). Not morals, practical advice, fellowship events, cool worship - other religions have those. Not personalities or movements. Just Christ.

4) Marked with humility. Philippians 2:1-11 not only on an individual level, but does the body care for the church universal and form partnerships? Does it celebrate victories of other bodies or is it absorbed in its own happenings?

Now commit.

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