dimanche 28 octobre 2012

Ecclesiology #10

What’s the difference between encouragement and flattery? Encouragement rejoices in the truth. Flattery has ulterior motive and is out of proportion.

Encouragement is the response to God’s grace seen in other people. Look at the examples of Paul and God and you’ll see the main point in affirming someone is affirming God (Matthew 3:17, 1 Corinthians 15:58, 2 Timothy 1:16-18). Therefore, encouragement prompts the receiver to look to God and his salvation with thankfulness.

On the other hand, flattery prompts the receiver to look at himself and thus cosign him to self righteousness, a hardened heart, and hell (Psalm 5:9, Proverbs 27:6, James 3:6). Oo scary |_.

Let’s fill our churches with the warmth of our encouraging God. How do we know when the smiles are fictitious though? Avoid covering a slander by prefacing it with a compliment: “he’s a nice guy and good friend but..”. This is fake.

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