dimanche 10 février 2013


It's a word I've been using a lot recently, more often than not in an effort to warn others not to have this attitude. In communicating, this has been one of the most severe ways I really discourage people. Mark 9:42 gives an accurate depiction of what has already happened and the due discipline deserved for me.

I can remember such cases so vividly. A relationship quickly fell into shambles when I made a smart remark about a preacher's sermon content that I felt was lacking. Passive aggressive online statements aggravated another relationship, resulting in much hurt. Recently, I had the nerve to sarcastically put down a loving sister through some self-perceived higher understanding of theology, and crazy still I made an offbeat comment during Bible study about how a brother felt towards some other members.

This sinful behavior stems from the ugliest form of pride: thinking I am like God. Thinking I know as much as he does. Thinking "been there, done that, pishposh boring, moving onnn." But oh, how dissimilar we are! God is compassionate, and he expects gentleness and respect within his church.

LORD, I ask you now to humble me. Your grace gave me a new spirit, new eyes to see truth and love it. I had nothing to do with that. Instead of using that knowledge to make much of myself, purpose it for the sake of emptying myself for the benefit of my neighbor.

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