jeudi 12 août 2010

Looking back

A new skill I've been developing is the ability to look into my rear-view mirror and quickly memorize the license plate of the car behind me. It takes 2 levels of thinking since the lettering is mirrored but that's the fun in it. I also suggest everyone follow suit since, with all these freak rainstorms, I'm beginning to become suspicious of cars slipping into my bumper and I'll always assume these are the hit-and-run type of people.

In addition, I think putting a rear-view mirror question, or any spacial-logic question, on the learner's permit exam would be valid, or at least fun! It could have an animation of a car swerving in and out of the reflection, so the difficulty would be moderate.


2 commentaires:

  1. looking into the rearview mirror makes me paranoid that someone is tailgating me in order to intimidate me to drive faster, which is, sadly, usually the case.

    be careful!!

  2. hahahah interesting entry willis :)

    thanks for you encouraging comment! your comment is actually what made me want to update my blog :)

    have a great day, and i hope you'll continually find your worth in only the Lord!

    - sharon
