dimanche 16 janvier 2011

a hurting Pharisee

Heavenly Father,

Seriously, why is truth so important to me?
Is it that bad to preach a self-esteem gospel?
Is it that bad to not preach the power of the cross?
Is it that bad to read material cited from the Emergent church?
Is it that bad to sponsor pragmatism as a means for church growth?
Is it that bad to be a teacher and associate with heretics?
Is it that bad to emphasize experience over your word?
Yes, right!?
They speak of your faithfulness to the great congregation but it is not of your standard. Am I referring to a standard of my flesh or your holy standard? Only you know.

O LORD, I go absolutely nuts when I see friends being influenced. Is this righteous anger or envious frustration from not being able to bless others like these "heretics" do?

O LORD, I seek to do your will. It is by the spirit of God that I wish to cast out demons, that I wish bring your truth renown in order for your kingdom to come upon us. But how can I do good if I am evil? Only through you I hope to bear good fruit.

O LORD, I know not which way is yours and which way is destruction. I easily see myself being a creator of this site. Woe to me if it comes to that! Help me not delight in sin but in its defeat. Do not restrain your mercy from me, glorify yourself by stuffing me with your steadfast love. May I see my neighbors as greater than myself.

O LORD, I'm scared. I do not want anymore broken and strained relationships in my efforts to proclaim your truth, but if it is your will may it be done. I do not wish pride to overtake me and I do not wish to be justified through myself. Sin, what an enemy! I know I will give an account for every careless word I speak. Therefore without Christ, I am condemned.

My delight is in you. Your wisdom, your law, your everything. Fill me with more of you!

In Christ's name, amen.

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