lundi 3 janvier 2011

Ministry of the pew

Winter break concludes with the OIL conference starting Wednesday, which means that break is effectively over by the end of tomorrow. It's been blessing in that time has been (with occasional contest) God-centered, deliberate, missional, and therefore, not wasted as per the norm. What has helped is the above chart taken from The Trellis and the Vine. Blue shows activities I usually reserve for on-campus settings and red shows what efforts have been expended here at home.

This evaluation has shed some light. I am convicted by my fear of man, where I'm afraid to be more missional at Penn for the sake of maintaining a professional, smooth socio-/academic network. Atm, God is smaller than people and career. So a couple of changes are in order. I need a Exodus 34:29 face and start grafting the vine as I have been grafted.

This work could start in Renewal, where time in the cold basement - fellowship - could be spent with more word-sharing. I don't care if it's awkward. It could move to campus, where with secular friends I embark on (woah!) word-sharing. I don't care if it's awkward. If you're a non-believing friend of mine still reading this blog (heh, though doubtful after all the Jesus-talk here recently), please bring up Jesus in conversation!

The book of Acts isn't about church growth. It's about gospel growth and word increase (Acts 10:44, Colossians 1:5-6).

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