samedi 23 avril 2011


I hate christians.
self-righteous, self-serving.
unloving, uncaring.
jains, buddhists, democrats
follow jesus better than

wouldn’t you say so?
why be a

my life’s ok without god i guess.

my life as a
constant liar, exaggerator, and complainer
to get people to sympathize with me,
abuser of my sister
hitting her to the point where her forehead bleeds,
curser of my parents
running away multiple times and
dropping f-bombs so the whole neighborhood can hear,
bitter loner even after
getting invited to cool parties
acquiring 1000+ “friends” and
having any girl i liked like me back.

i guess i could live with that.
it could be better.
i’m f—-ed up.
i deserve punishment.
but you’re telling me that means hell.
i’m pretty f—-ed if that’s true.

jesus helps, you say?
he’s inside of me?
he wants what’s best for me?
he’s the reason i’m even alive?
he loves me?
he forgives me?
what do i have to do?
just say sorry and believe?


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