mardi 19 avril 2011

Is there power in your Ephesians 2:8?

Half-gospel: Jesus paid for all our sins. We’re now at a zero-sum balance. Enter: confusion, humiliation, and hopelessness from consistent, ever-present sin.

Full-gospel: Jesus paid for all our sins. But he didn’t just pay for sins then ditch us. He dwells in us. We are right with God because he sees Jesus in us. Our account balance is not $0.00. We’re rich. In fact, we’re baller (Ephesians 3:16-19).

We were once unable to not sin.

But now we are able to resist sin.


Milk the power of the spirit for all its worth! Lest realize you weren’t really saved at all (Hebrews 10:26).

Which gospel will you preach?

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