mardi 5 avril 2011

Jesus - the de-motivational speaker

How do you cheer up a Christian who's not happy? Do you do some spiritual life-coaching for sin management? Practical advice in hopes it will deliver them from pain?

Ever thought of saying, "Come to the cross and die"? Any other spiritual pick-me-up is reduced to glorifying a specific person or event, whether it be the sin or recovery.

Peter didn't like it when Jesus was talking about gloomy stuff, because being associated with a crucified criminal isn't very motivating. Jesus says to "Get behind me, Satan!" God treats his glory very seriously, and it isn't accomplished by having a positive attitude but by death and resurrection. Not "you can do it!" but "God has done it!"

Obviously people will initially resist the message, and you the messenger. That's the sound of oneself beginning to loosen their hold on sin, its minimizing and excuses for it. That's called redemption.

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