mardi 26 mars 2013

Week #12

Week #11

Week #10

  • NYC trip with +Michael Chen +Michael Thornhill +Giulia Porcari +Jason Choi +Mark Chou +Matt Curtis 
  • Inside jokes
    • I can get behind that
    • Cuban lips
    • Creme brule & spiked donuts ("my lips hurt!")
    • Three-pronged handshake
    • Throwing Faith into public transpo
    • No weapon
    • False
    • Squalay
    • We both lose
    • Trip over boxes
    • Ghosting
    • Punch my punch
    • You corny ("..Jesus?")
    • Blowin' it up
    • If Jesus is sleeping, I'm sleeping
    • Waka flocka
    • Batman voice
    • Shrimp meals
    • Get my blessing
    • Corn dusting

Week #9

Week #8

samedi 23 mars 2013

Takeaways from Romans #2

  • We are to preach the gospel to believers. All the time. (Romans 1:12,15). We learn this is the case from 1 Corinthians 15:1-2 ("where we stand") and 1 John 2:19 ("they went from us"). Let’s not comfort backsliders with validation of a past promise but warning that they might have believed in vain.
  • The world teaches us to deal with shame by hiding it, avoiding situations that would bring it out. God, instead, brings our shame to the for forefront, despises it, and frees us from it. Romans 1:16-17 brought Martin Luther into paradise.

lundi 11 mars 2013

Reflections on Christian leadership

From Henri Nouwen's In the Name of Jesus:
In our world of loneliness and despair, there is an enormous need for men and women who know the heart of God, a heart that forgives, cares, reaches out and wants to heal. In that heart there is no suspicion, no vindictiveness, no resentment, and not a tinge of hatred. It is a heart that wants only to give love and receive love in response. It is a heart that suffers immensely because it sees the magnitude of human pain and the great resistance to trusting the heart of God who wants to offer consolation and hope. 
The original meaning of the word "theology" was "union with God in prayer."
The world says, "When you were young you could not go where you wanted, but when you grow old you will be able to control your own destiny." But Jesus has a different vision of maturity: It is the ability and willingness to be led where you would rather not go (John 21:18).

dimanche 10 mars 2013

Those mid-study phonecalls

that leave me thankful for God revealing how judgmental and anti-gospel I am and how dependent on him I need to be. I desire the best for your people, LORD!

Life is not simple, nor does it make sense, but I am going to do my best to translate my principles (of which I will not compromise) into principles that show love and care for those they mean to protect.

Takeaways from Romans #1

  • When you take a risk based on someone’s promise or protection, you magnify his trustworthiness (Romans 1:5,8). Prove your faith to the world and trust God for all your needs.
  • Thank God for the people in my life. If I cannot, I have made the grace of Christ a trifling thing, or worse yet, an enemy (Romans 1:8)
  • Thank God for God in my life. Amen.
  • You are not ruining a prayer by adding “if it is your will.” This is not lack of faith, this is faith (Romans 1:10).
  • By ministering to people, you are doing myself a favor because you need them and their faith to bless you (Romans 1:11-12)
  • I am obligated (a debtor) to people (Romans 1:14) because I stole glory from God (Romans 1:23) but his gift of salvation makes it so I must share God’s glory to people.

The offices of Christ wrt my story

My feelings must stem from reality lest idolatry reign (Proverbs 19:2). Jesus the prophet is my life’s logos of truth.

Jesus the priest is my covenant-keeper, cementing my life story to his gospel reality.

Jesus, my humble, loving king, crafts my life story with care and protection.